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Sneak Peek of The Struggle Bus, Ch. 1

Sneak Peek of The Struggle Bus, Ch. 1

1: The Border Tumbleweeds roamed the desert – large, round balls, weighing next to nothing. They rolled across the baked ground, bounding high before the hot wind as if to leap for joy – exulting in their freedom. Their tiny withered root was broken; a single dry...
The Struggle Bus and NanoWrimo 2017

The Struggle Bus and NanoWrimo 2017

Hey my friends. I’ve joined NanoWrimo this year for the first time. I hope to use it as a means to set writing goals, and if all goes as planned, should have the vast bulk of the sequel, The Struggle Bus, written this month. If I find a way for the public to be...
Sneak Peek of Chapter 1

Sneak Peek of Chapter 1

I released chapter 1 to the email newsletter last night. Hope you all enjoyed it! If you aren’t subscribed, please click here and fill out the form!